
Tomcat sample application source code
Tomcat sample application source code

1 tomcat tomcat 12502 Sep 1 01:23 catalina.policy Once file has been downloaded, uncompress the content using tar command and view the directory structure as shown: $ tar -xvf apache-tomcat-8.5.5.tar.gz In this case, I download Apache Tomcat, 8.5.5, which is one of the latest stable versions released by now. Now login as tomcat user and download the latest apache tomcat bundle from the official site here: or alternatively, you can use following wget command to download directly in the terminal. First create a separate tomcat user using root account.

tomcat sample application source code

You can install Java using your package manager such yum or apt as shown: # yum install java In this tutorial I have Java 1.7 installed since I use the tomcat version 8.0.37. Prerequisites: Java should be installed in the server. I’m going to show you how to deploy multiple web applications or two web servers within one tomcat from this article. In a scenario which we need to host more than one web servers from a single tomcat container, you can use this post as a guide to accomplish it. Simply, webapps directory acts as the main container of the Java code for tomcat to deploy it as a web server. In apache tomcat, WARs should be put in to the webapps directory which the container deploys them by default. This post is targeting an audience which is already using tomcat and know how to start and use apache tomcat engine.

tomcat sample application source code

Usually, apache tomcat is a user-friendly product which gives the engineers space to deploy their WAR artifacts ( Web ARchives) with a minimal configuration changes.

tomcat sample application source code

Industries choose apache tomcat over other container due to following advantages. You can create web archives from your Java project and simply deploy it within a tomcat container to host an HTTP web server coded by Java. Simply, Tomcat is a very popular among many industrial stakeholders due to many advantages over other web containers on the market.

tomcat sample application source code

It also can be identified as a cross-platform servlet container or a web container. Apache Tomcat is an open source web container which allows you to deploy Java Servlets, JSP and Web Sockets to run a web server powered by Java code.

Tomcat sample application source code