Quasimodo is especially worth noting since he isn't even a fairy tale character, originating from literature instead. Red Riding Hood and Humpty Dumpty do have counterparts in the main universe, but they're considered separate characters from the SuperSlam versions.

Canon Foreigner: Black Knight, G-nome, Quasimodo and Luna do not come from the movies.Burger Fool: The fast food restaurant from Shrek 2 that the Fairy Godmother visits with King Harold appears as a stage.Bread, Eggs, Breaded Eggs: Done with one of the tournaments in Mega Challenge mode: round one pits the player against two Donkeys, round two against two Dronkeys, and round three against a Donkey and a Dronkey.Several Cluster Challenges in Mega Challenge mode revolve around defeating a sheriff through this method. With enough deflections, the projectile will eventually become fast enough that it becomes a Slam and grants a point to the one who doesn't get slammed. Attack Reflector: Shielding at the right time allows your character to deflect projectiles right back to their sender, though they can also do the same back to you.Ascended Extra: Several characters from the first two movies like Cyclops, Captain Hook, Red Riding Hood and Anthrax go from minor cameos and gags to full playable characters here.Donkey's story ends with him losing it and Shrek getting it stuck to his butt, and Charming's story ends with him finding it stuck to Shrek's butt.